Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You have your thought and I have mine

Your thought is a tree rooted deep in the soil of tradition and whose branches grow in the power of continuity. My thought is a cloud moving in the space. It turns into drops which, as they fall, form a brook that sings its way into the sea. Then it rises as vapour into the sky. Your thought is a fortress that neither gale nor the lightning can shake. My thought is a tender leaf that sways in every direction and finds pleasure in its swaying. Your thought is an ancient dogma that cannot change you nor can you change it. My thought is new, and it tests me and I test it morn and eve.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought allows you to believe in the unequal contest of the strong against the weak, and in the tricking of the simple by the subtle ones. My thought creates in me the desire to till the earth with my hoe, and harvest the crops with my sickle, and build my home with stones and mortar, and weave my raiment with woollen and linen threads. Your thought urges you to marry wealth and notability. Mine commends self-reliance. Your thought advocates fame and show. Mine counsels me and implores me to cast aside notoriety and treat it like a grain of sand cast upon the shore of eternity. Your thought instils in your heart arrogance and superiority. Mine plants within me love for peace and the desire for independence. Your thought begets dreams of palaces with furniture of sandalwood studded with jewels, and beds made of twisted silk threads. My thought speaks softly in my ears, “Be clean in body and spirit even if you have nowhere to lay your head.” Your thought makes you aspire to titles and offices. Mine exhorts me to humble service.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought is social science, a religious and political dictionary. Mine is simple axiom. Your thought speaks of the beautiful woman, the ugly, the virtuous, the prostitute, the intelligent, and the stupid. Mine sees in every woman a mother, a sister, or a daughter of every man. The subjects of your thought are thieves, criminals, and assassins. Mine declares that thieves are the creatures of monopoly, criminals are the offspring of tyrants, and assassins are akin to the slain. Your thought describes laws, courts, judges, punishments. Mine explains that when man makes a law, he either violates it or obeys it. If there is a basic law, we are all one before it. He who disdains the mean is himself mean. He who vaunts his scorn of the sinful vaunts his disdain of all humanity. Your thought concerns the skilled, the artist, the intellectual, the philosopher, the priest. Mine speaks of the loving and the affectionate, the sincere, the honest, the forthright, the kindly, and the martyr. Your thought advocates Judaism, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. In my thought there is only one universal religion, whose varied paths are but the fingers of the loving hand of the Supreme Being. In your thought there are the rich, the poor, and the beggared. My thought holds that there are no riches but life; that we are all beggars, and no benefactor exists save life herself.

You have your thought and I have mine.

According to your thought, the greatness of nations lies in their politics, their parties, their conferences, their alliances and treaties. But mine proclaims that the importance of nations lies in work – work in the field, work in the vineyards, work with the loom, work in the tannery, work in the quarry, work in the timberyard, work in the office and in the press. Your thought holds that the glory of the nations is in their heroes. It sings the praises of Rameses, Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, and Napoleon. But mine claims that the real heroes are Confucius, Lao-Tse, Socrates, Plato, Abi Taleb, El Gazali, Jalal Ed-din-el Roumy, Copernicus, and Pasteur. Your thought sees power in armies, cannons, battleships, submarines, aeroplanes, and poison gas. But mine asserts that power lies in reason, resolution, and truth. No matter how long the tyrant endures, he will be the loser at the end. Your thought differentiates between pragmatist and idealist, between the part and the whole, between the mystic and materialist. Mine realizes that life is one and its weights, measures and tables do not coincide with your weights, measures and tables. He whom you suppose an idealist may be a practical man.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Your thought is interested in ruins and museums, mummies and petrified objects. But mine hovers in the ever-renewed haze and clouds. Your thought is enthroned on skulls. Since you take pride in it, you glorify it too. My thought wanders in the obscure and distant valleys. Your thought trumpets while you dance. Mine prefers the anguish of death to your music and dancing. Your thought is the thought of gossip and false pleasure. Mine is the thought of him who is lost in his own country, of the alien in his own nation, of the solitary among his kinfolk and friends.

You have your thought and I have mine.

Khalil Gibran
"You have your thought and I have mine"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cermin Mimpi

Mulai saat ini aku berjanji


Itu janji aku. Dan aku yakin, tiada yang setara Engkau.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Selamat Hari Merdeka

Terdengar gendang-genderang
Gema menghentam dada
Seluruh nusantara
Rentak yang sama

Pergolakan drama manusia
Masing-masing mahu buktikan
Kuat lemah

Langit mana pun sama
Bulan pun redha
Sinar bumi ayahku
Dan ayahmu jua

Gugur daun
Di telapak tangan
Terpijak ranting di jalanan
Aku rindu oh! kampungku

Aku tak mahu dijadikan hamba lagi
Aku tak mahu dijajah lagi
Biar terkubur jasad terbujur
Tak rela aku berpisah
Dari cintaku yang satu

Dan Rajawali terbang tinggi
Rajawali terbang tinggi... terbang

M. Nasir
©1988 Dunia Musik Wea Sdn. Bhd.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Dalam pilihanraya umum, sepatutnya tak ada kisah seperti PKR memenangi Selangor, PAS menguasai Kelantan. Parti tu control negeri tu, parti ni control negeri tu.. Itu semuanya dongeng demokrasi.

Tau kenapa? Sebab negara yang kuat dari segi ekonomi perlukan dominasi kuasa ke atas segala resources yang ada dalam negara. Keadaan ekonomi satu-satu negara itu bergantung atas kestabilan politik dalaman negara. Itu tunjang macam-macam hal tapi aku malas nak sebut sebab aku pun dah malas dah ni nak tulis. Ambil satu contoh pelaburan asing.

Senang cerita camni, kalau BN menang majoriti kerusi pilihanraya umum, BN control semua and the same rules apply to all political parties tak kira la PAS ke, PKR ke, DAP ke, Makkal Shakti ke, Bintang Tiga ke.. Winner takes all.

Persoalan dalam kepala hotak korang aku dah tau. Mesti korang nak cakap "tak ada check & balance la kalau buat macam tu". Check & balance tu istilah paling poyo aku pernah belajar masa kat U dulu.. Haha

Apa kalau buat macam tu pembangkang semua bungkus ke?? Iskk satu benda yang pasti, pembangkang tetap akan ada untuk terus membangkang dan membangkang dan membangkang. :-)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Aku nak cerita pasal PROTON. Tapi idea semua dah ter'evaporate' ke udara tadi. Aduhh...

Cuma satu aku nak cakap, Mahathir tak silap masa tahun 1985 dia kata nak buat kereta nasional untuk rakyat Malaysia. Cuma dia silap kerana tak mencari pengganti yang berkebolehan macam dia.

Kesan jangka panjang yang dialami oleh negara membangun yang terlibat dalam perusahaan otomobil sendiri memang mengundang kegilaan yang amat sangat. Apa yang aku nampak adalah keadaan ekonomi kita yang mana kita 'stuck in the middle of nowhere' dan tertekan dengan tekanan untuk menarik ekonomi negara daripada terus ter'sedut' kedalam blackhole ekonomi dunia yang semakin competitive.

Dengan tekanan taraf hidup rakyat termasuk kebangangan PROTON dan ahli politik keparat dalam isu bodoh seperti penjualan MV Agusta, partnership breakoff yang tak habis habis, siapa yang tau dia akan tau. Siapa tak tau itu lu punya pasal.

Lagi satu aku tak puas hati, PROTON, Lu tolong la mantapkan R&D. Daripada sejak dulu jadi market leader sampai la Lu jadi nombor dua, Lu memang tak pernah berubah. Pasaran domestik Lu da sapu bersih dulu pergi mana duitnya. Kerajaan larat pulak asyik nak bayar penalti je sbb AFTA. Sekarang mesti Lu pening kan macam mana nak mantapkan R&D Lu kan. UK pun dah macam tak berapa nak dah kat Lu, US tak payah cakap la nak letak sebijik tayar pun memang tak dapat. Sebab orang yang buat Lu tak pikir nak buat kereta kena seiring dengan pembangunan teknologi. Ada paham? Dapat? Lu pikir la sendiri. Pada siapa2 yang tau, dia akan nampak yang sebenarnya rakyat yang subsidi PROTON. Apa ingat kerajaan je ada subsidi. Silap la bro. Gila gila..

Gila, tak patriotiknya aku... Tak patriotik ke? Bapak patriotik pun tak macam ni.

p/s: aku bercadang nak beli kereta PROTON pastu aku kutuk PROTON.. perghh gila gila. Support tetap support tapi biorle ade perubahannye... Nak buat macam mana, bab-bab kereta ni kerajaan memang diktator. Apo nak dikatokan.. Trimo jo la..

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Boleh tak kita hidup atas dunia ni jgn sesekali mengata org laen sesat, gila ataupun x betul??

Kita tahu mana kita betol? Yakin sangat ke kita ni?

Kita sama-sama hidup dalam dunia ni yg mana kita tak pernah pasti akan kepada satu apa pun. Tuhan buat begitu supaya kita mencari.

Sesungguhnya kebenaran itu diberi kepada manusia mengikut kehendakNya. Masing-masing ada pengalaman sendiri. Simpan saja utk diri sendiri. Kebenaran itu memang tak boleh diceritakan kerana tiada satu pun ayat yg boleh kita karang untuk menyatakan kebenaran yg nyata. Tidak pernah terungkap, hanya Tuhan pemegang kebenaran dan Dialah yang berhak. Walau apa pun jalan yang kita pilih, terima sajalah akibatnya.

Kpd yang ska sgt dok mengata org nih. Baca dan cari. Agama bukan terhidang. Kita semua buta kerana tak nampak apa yg tersembunyi. Kita guna akal, tp tinggalkan hati. Kita kaji sejarah, tp tinggalkan naluri.

Biarlah kita hidup dengan aman. Hanya Allah Yg Maha Kuasa, Yg Maha Mengetahui Apa yg Tidak Kita Ketahui.

Anjing salak bukit tak runtuh. Apa-apa pun, jgn salahkan org yg bercakap, salahkan orang yang mendengar. Maaf andai terkasar bahasa. :))

Aku?? Diam itu membahagiakan.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A man invited some friends’ families to his house for dinners.

During the dinner, some of the invited families’ children as usual ask to their dads, saying:” Dad can I have this… that… the other” “Daddy, can I have the potato chips…this .. that ..and the other…” The usual stuff that happen during meals with children.

The man got very upset and said to the guests:” Please forbid your children from using the word “Daddy” ”

The guests ask:”Why?”

The man said: ” Because my children call me “Daddy”, they may get confused if your children also call you “Daddy”. They may mistake you to be their Daddy.”

The guests: “But they have been doing that since they were born. And everybody do that everywhere!”

The man replied: “Well, you can do it elsewhere but not in my house!!!”